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php 보안 업데이트

 : 2013.12.21
     : php-1:5.3.28-1.an2
     : AnNyung Packaging Team


    PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language.  PHP attempts to make it
    easy for developers to write dynamically generated web pages.  PHP
    also offers built-in database integration for several commercial
    and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a
    database-enabled web page with PHP is fairly simple.  The most
    common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI
    scripts.  The mod_php module enables the Apache web server to
    understand and process the embedded PHP language in web pages.
    Building option:
    	--with no_goto : if don't add vm kind option with goto..


    - update 5.3.28
    - security issue
      . CVE-2013-6420 Fixed memory corruption in openssl_x509_parse()
    - Official bug fix
      . #62672 Error on serialize of ArrayObject
      . #60560 SplFixedArray un-/serialize, getSize(), count() return 0,
               keys are strings
      . #65328 Segfault when getting SplStack object Value
      . #64802 openssl_x509_parse fails to parse subject properly in some cases
      . #50308 session id not appended properly for empty anchor tags
      . #65564 stack-buffer-overflow in DateTimeZone stuff caught
      . #65554 createFromFormat broken when weekday name is followed
      . #65458 curl memory leak
      . #60598 cli/apache sapi segfault on objects manipulation
      . #61759 class_alias() should accept classes with leading backslashes
      . #62396 'make test' crashes starting with 5.3.14 (missing gzencode())
      . #61548 content-type must appear at the end of headers for 201 Location
               to work in htt
      . #64441 FILTER_VALIDATE_URL rejects fully qualified domain names
      . #65708 dba functions cast $key param to string in-place, bypassing copy
               on write
      . #64157 DateTime::createFromFormat() reports confusing error message
      . #51936 Crash with clone XMLReader
      . #64230 XMLReader does not suppress errors
      . #64760 var_export() does not use full precision for floating-point numbers
      . #66033 Segmentation Fault when constructor of PDO statement throws an exception
      . #65946 sql_parser permanently converts values bound to strings on PDO
      . #66124 mysqli under mysqlnd loses precision when bind_param with 'i'
      . #66141 mysqlnd quote function is wrong with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES after
               failed query
      . #66043 Segfault calling bind_param() on mysqli
      . #64874 json_decode handles whitespace and case-sensitivity incorrectly
      . #66094 unregister_tick_function tries to cast a Closure to a string
      . #66321 ZipArchive::open() ze_obj->filename_len not real
      . #66229 isn't reserved any longer
      . #65873 Integer overflow in exif_read_data()
      . #65196 Passing DOMDocumentFragment to DOMDocument::saveHTML() Produces
               invalid Markup
      . #63391 Incorrect/inconsistent day of week prior to the year 1600
      . #61599 Wrong Day of Week
      . #66060 Heap buffer over-read in DateInterval
      . #61645 fopen and O_NONBLOCK


    php54-repos 또는 php55-repos 패키지를 설치하면 yum update 명령 실행시에
    php 버전이 5.4 또는 5.5로 업데이트가 됩니다. php 5.3.x 를 사용하는 경우에는
    php54-repos 또는 php55-repos 패키지를 설치 하지 마십시오!

        . php-5.3.28-1.an2.src.rpm

        . php-cli-5.3.28-1.an2.x86_64.rpm
        . php-extension-5.3.28-1.an2.x86_64.rpm
        . php-fpm-5.3.28-1.an2.x86_64.rpm
        . php-devel-5.3.28-1.an2.x86_64.rpm
        . php-5.3.28-1.an2.x86_64.rpm

        . php-5.3.28-1.an2.i686.rpm
        . php-devel-5.3.28-1.an2.i686.rpm
        . php-cli-5.3.28-1.an2.i686.rpm
        . php-fpm-5.3.28-1.an2.i686.rpm
        . php-extension-5.3.28-1.an2.i686.rpm


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