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java-1.8.0-oracle 보안 업데이트

 : 2018.07.28
     : java-1.8.0-oracle-10:
     : AnNyung Packaging Team


    The Oracle JAVA audio, vidio and javafx runtime environment


    - update 1.8.0u181
      . JDK-8201433 client-libs Fix potential crash in BufImg_SetupICM
      . JDK-8198605 client-libs Touch keyboard is shown for a non-focusable text component
      . JDK-8198606 client-libs Touch keyboard does not hide, when a text component looses focus
      . JDK-8199748 client-libs Touch keyboard is not shown, if text component gets focus
        from other text component
      . JDK-8187635 client-libs On Windows Swing changes keyboard layout on a window activation
      . JDK-8203368 core-libs ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException
      . JDK-8202996 core-libs Remove debug print statements from RMI fix
      . JDK-8197943 core-svc Unable to use JDWP API in JDK 8 to debug JDK 9 VM
      . JDK-8194690 deploy bundled in App-V package will not start Java Web Start applications
      . JDK-8190689 deploy Java incorrectly requires "HttpOnly" cookie attribute to be case sensitive
      . JDK-8201133 deploy Security check failure for main jar downlaod with
        jnlp.versionEnabled and Deployment Rule Set feature
      . JDK-8189783 deploy Java Web Start application with file extension association is
        removed from cache when invoked for the second time from browser
      . JDK-8187223 deploy Long JNLP file is not parsed correctly and ends with javaws path
      . JDK-8199304 deploy javaws.exe failed to launch UTF-8 encoded JNLP file
      . JDK-8038636 hotspot speculative traps break when classes are redefined
      . JDK-8156137 hotspot SIGSEGV in ReceiverTypeData::clean_weak_klass_links
      . JDK-8188223 hotspot IfNode::range_check_trap_proj() should handle dying subgraph
        with single if proj
      . JDK-8169201 hotspot Montgomery multiply intrinsic should use correct name
      . JDK-8187577 hotspot JVM crash during gc doing concurrent marking
      . JDK-8199406 hotspot Performance drop with Java JDK 1.8.0_162-b32
      . JDK-8055008 hotspot Clean up code that saves the previous versions of redefined classes
      . JDK-8057570 hotspot RedefineClasses() tests fail assert(((Metadata*)obj)->is_valid())
        failed: obj is valid
      . JDK-8198794 hotspot Hotspot crash on Cassandra 3.11.1 startup with libnuma 2.0.3
      . JDK-8078628 hotspot linux-zero does not build without precompiled header
      . JDK-8202065 install jre/bin/javaw.exe is missing from server-jre for windows since 8u171
      . JDK-8199650 install JDK installation uninstalls public JRE
      . JDK-8200418 javafx webPage.executeCommand("removeFormat", null) removes the style
        of the body element
      . JDK-8196011 javafx Intermittent crash when using WebView from JFXPanel application
      . JDK-8076117 security-libs EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions
        after PKIX validation
      . JDK-8170035 security-libs When determining the ciphersuite lists there is
        no debug output for disabled suites.
      . JDK-8074373 tools NMT is not enabled if NMT option is specified after class path specifiers
      . JDK-8196491 xml Newlines in JAXB string values of SOAP-requests are escaped to " "
    - security issues
      . CVE-2018-2938   Java DB
      . CVE-2018-2964   Deployment
      . CVE-2018-2941   JavaFX
      . CVE-2018-2942   Windows DLL
      . CVE-2018-2972   Security
      . CVE-2018-2973   JSSE SSL/TLS
      . CVE-2018-2940   Libraries
      . CVE-2018-2952   Concurrency


    Oracle JDK는 재배포가 허용되지 않기 때문에 binary package를 제공하지
    안녕 리눅스 3에서 Oracle JDK를 사용하기 위해서는 다음의 문서를 참고 하여
    안녕 3 에서 제공하는 java-1.8.0-oracle source rpm을 이용하여 rebuild 하여
    사용 하십시오.
    문서의 5. Oracle JDK 문서를 참고 하십시오.

        . java-1.8.0-oracle-

        . java-1.8.0-oracle-
        . java-1.8.0-oracle-devel-
        . java-1.8.0-oracle-devel-gui-
        . java-1.8.0-oracle-headless-
        . java-1.8.0-oracle-src-


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